Rehabilitation of the "Palacio de la Música". Buñol. Valencia. - Díaz y Sanjuan - ARQUITECTOS

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Rehabilitation of the "Palacio de la Música". Buñol. Valencia.

Projects > Equipment


Description: Rehabilitation of the Palace of Music of the Centro Instructivo Musical La Armónica, de Buñol. The intervention, is virtually emptying into the original building. Building a basement floor as a necessary service, extending the structure of the first amphitheater for its conversion into the new stalls and amending the slopes and the steps of the old second amphitheater, which becomes the new and unique amphitheater. The project's aim is twofold: a new auditorium adapted to the technical and acoustical center, and working conditions and safety regulations. Externally maintaining the overall design, because it is a listed building, acting and updating elements of carpentry, locksmith and other aesthetic elements.
Location: Pza. del Pueblo. Buñol. Valencia.
Architects: Francisco Díaz and Salvador Sanjuan.
Project date: 11-1995.
Star date: 11-1996.
Finish date: 10-1998.
Developer:  C.I.M. La Armónica, de Buñol.



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